Acne search terms and how to use them.

June Acne Awareness Month – and each month there are over 3.3 million Google searches for acne globally (2024).

This is a 7% increase from the previous year.

Searches for hormonal acne are up 15% in the last year and searches for skin inflammation (which goes hand in hand with acne) are up 9%. Searches for acne scars are up 10% and hyperpigmentation searches are up 8%.

It’s a topic that people are researching, and care about.

Here are some of the questions people are asking online or terms they’re searching for in relation to acne in the UK, along with the monthly searches in the UK:

Pimples cysts 22.8k
How can I get rid of acne 14.8k
acne treatment 14.8k
Hormonal acne 12.1k
How to get rid of acne scars 9.9k
How to get rid of spots 9.9k
How do I get rid of acne scars 9.9k
Body acne how to get rid of it 9.9k
How to get rid of acne 9.9k
How to get rid of boob acne 6.6k
Types of acne 5.4k
How to get rid of back acne 4.4k
What is acne 2.9k
Acne what causes it 2.4k
How to get rid of cystic acne 1.9k

What does this mean when it comes to creating content?

Part of looking at the search terms above includes look at why people are searching for those terms (search intent), how many people are searching and whether it’s possible to add value by creating content. Ideally the content you create should be benefit your SEO efforts, as well as any other channels where your audience hang out (like social media).

Here’s some of the search intent conclusions I came to from the above search terms:

  • People are searching for solutions to their acne
  • Body acne is a thing
  • People are trying to learn more about acne and its causes

How to create a content plan around acne care

If you’re trying to create a content plan for your skincare or beauty brand that focuses on acne care, here’s an overview of what you can do to make the process easier:

  1. Research the top performing content that’s out there for those search terms.Look up any key dates, events or notable activities that tie in to your theme
  2. Create content that answers the questions above and adds value using relevant keywords.
  3. Structure this for search with the right headers, images, alt text and with solutions for the user.
  4. Use expert insights from within the brand or professional experts such as dermatologists or skincare specialists.
  5. Link to brand products within that content.
  6. Crosslink from this content to other acne content on site.
  7. Chop up that content to turn into social media content across channels.
  8. Look for some newsworthy digital PR angles to gain coverage and links.

Need help with content planning for your brand? Get in touch to find out how I can work with you to achieve your brand content goals.

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