Global sunscreen markets (based on search data)

Sunscreen is a huge global beauty category that’s growing year upon year. “Sunscreen” is the most commonly searched English term in this category, though sun cream and SPF are also up there too.

Most sun protection product searches gain momentum from about April to August, which isn’t a surprise. But it’s slowly becoming a steady year-round search term based on changes to consumer skincare routines and awareness of daily SPF.

Let’s take a look at the countries around the world and who searches fosr sunscreen the most.

Global searches for sunscreen (by country)

The list below shows the number of global searches for the term “sunscreen” by country, from the country with the most searches to the least. I haven’t included the ones with under 1,000 searches per month.

  • Indonesia – 301k searches
  • India – 246k searches
  • US – 110k searches
  • Australia – 27.1k searches
  • Philippines- 27.1k searches
  • UK – 22.2k searches
  • Canada – 18.1k searches
  • South Africa – 14.8k searches
  • Germany – 6.6k searches
  • Bangladesh – 6.6k searches
  • United Arab Emirates – 6.6k searches
  • Mexico – 5.4k searches
  • Netherlands – 5.4k searches
  • Vietnam – 5.4k searches
  • Egypt – 4.4k searches
  • Pakistan- 4.4k searches
  • Singapore – 4.4k searches
  • Thailand – 4.4k searches
  • New Zealand – 3.6k searches
  • Japan – 3.6k searches
  • Spain – 3.6k searches
  • France – 2.9k searches
  • Taiwan – 2.9k searches
  • Brazil – 2.9k searches
  • Italy – 2.9k searches
  • Turkey – 1.9k searches
  • Greece – 1.6k searches
  • Colombia – 1.3k searches
  • Norway – 1.3k searches
  • Argentina – 1.3k searches
  • Denmark – 1.3k searches
  • Morocco – 1.3k searches
  • Portugal – 1.3k searches
  • Korea – 1.3k searches
  • Switzerland- 1k searches

This data is from an SEO tool that tracks monthly searches by keyword.

Some context for these monthly searches:

There were almost 1 million searches last month for sunscreen globally and the top 3 countries (Indonesia, India and the US) make up 70% of all searches. Countries with a larger population will automatically show more searches, as there are more people.

This data only shows searches for sunscreen, not SPF or sun cream or sun serum or anything like that. Sunscreen is the main keyword for this category that has the most searches overall in English. It only includes search volumes in English (you’d need to localise for every language to get the overall picture). This is important to understand if you’re building a global ecommerce strategy or localising across markets.

There are 1.3 million uses (total) of hashtag #sunscreen on TikTok. There are 4.1 million posts using hashtag #sunscreen on Instagram.

How to create a content strategy for your sun protection brand

Looking to create a content strategy for your sunscreen or suncare brand? Get in touch to find out how we can build out your content to make it work for your business.

You can also check out my portfolio to see the other clients I’ve worked with in beauty, skincare and wellbeing.

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