Does packaging matter for your beauty brand?

The short answer is yes.

The longer answer is that packaging is an incredibly important part of a beauty brand. It serves as the first point of interaction with your brand, builds hype on socials and boosts brand recognition. Sometimes it can be the main differentiator between you and your competitors. And it can even be the reason that someone picks up your product in the first place.

Plus it can communicate your brand identity, values and quality by influencing purchasing decisions and building an emotional connection with the consumer.

Marketing aside, packaging is important for the function of beauty products too. Whether it’s a tube, tub, bottle, dispenser or something else, your packaging keeps products safe, free from damage and protections the formulation from degradation from the outside.

(FYI, did you know that you should use vitamin C serums that come in an airtight, opaque glass bottle to protect the main ingredient?)

You also want to make sure that packaging is fit for purpose. User-friendly packaging designs, like pump dispensers or squeezable tubes make products easy and convenient to use. Think about accessibility and what it’s like to have a disability and use your products too. User experience and functional packaging is just as important as how it look.

Communicating with packaging

Packaging serves as a KEY communication tool, providing essential information about the product. Labels detailing ingredients, usage instructions and benefits help consumers make informed decisions.

Smart packaging with QR codes etc. can offer additional layers of information and interactive experiences, further engaging customers and strengthening their relationship with the brand.

Visually attractive packaging is also more likely to be shared on social and be displayed openly. It’s almost used as a status symbol by some consumers, and by making your packaging shareable it gets in front of more potential customers.

Further resources on beauty packaging

2024 beauty packaging trends

Cosmetics Labels UK Regulations: What Do You Need To Include? 👇

Global beauty packaging trends:

Need help on creating copy for your beauty packaging? Get in touch to find out how I can help you to elevate your beauty brand.

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