beauty industry AI

10 ways the beauty industry is using AI

Let’s take a closer look at how the beauty industry is starting to integrate AI across almost every aspect from formulation through to marketing and customer service.

Virtual try-ons

AI-powered virtual try-on tools let customers to see how different beauty products will look on them without physically trying them. This tech uses facial recognition and AR to show how products may look.

Formulation and development

I’ve seen mixed reviews on the use of AI in formulation, but algorithms are being used to formulate based on the huge amount of data on ingredients, trends and feedback.

Recommendations, analysis and diagnosis

AI algorithms analyse customer preferences, skin types, and other data to provide personalised product recommendations. It’s also being used for advanced skin analysis, diagnosis and routine recommendations.

Generating imagery, video and sound

Whether it’s packaging imagery, style transfer, editing or creating from scratch, AI tools are being used across the creative process to support marketing and creative campaigns.

Trends prediction

AI algorithms analyse social media, fashion shows,and other sources to predict upcoming beauty trends. This info can be valuable for companies to stay ahead when it comes to product development and marketing strategies.

Automated retail experiences

Some beauty retailers are using AI to enhance the in-store or online shopping experience. This includes AI-driven recommendations, interactive displays and smart mirrors that offer virtual beauty consultations.

Supply chain

AI is used in supply chain management to improve efficiency, reduce costs and enhance the overall production process. This can lead to a more sustainable and streamlined supply chain for beauty products.

Beauty devices

AI is being integrated into beauty devices such as facial recognition tools. These devices can analyse and recommend personalised skincare routines or treatments based on the individual’s skin condition.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are used to provide instant and personalised customer support. Customers can ask questions about products, get beauty tips and receive assistance in real-time.

Social and influencer campaigns

AI tools are used to analyse social media trends and identify potential influencers for beauty brands. There are also some brands working on virtual influencer campaigns, which are AI-driven.

Here’s some links where you see some real-life examples and opinions of AI implementation in the beauty industry:

If you’re looking for a writer to support your beauty brand, without the AI influence, get in touch.

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