Beauty and greenwashing: what you need to know about the new EU laws

With the news that greenwashing has been banned in Europe, let’s take a closer look at what greenwashing is, why it’s a problem in the beauty industry and how to avoid it.

What is greenwashing?

Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing technique where a brand exaggerates or falsely claims to be environmentally friendly or socially responsible, solely to increase sales. This could be misleading labels, false advertising or other marketing tactics to make products look more ethical and sustainable than they are.

Is greenwashing a problem in the beauty industry?

Greenwashing is a concern in the beauty industry. Clean beauty, natural beauty and organic beauty has been a big deal in recent years – but there’s no definition of what these terms actually mean. Sometimes products are packaged and copy is written in a way that suggests that it’s environmentally friendly/sustainable/ethical (even when it’s not).

Just look at some of these examples of greenwashing accusations in the beauty industry.

Avoiding greenwashing as a consumer

Avoiding greenwashing as a consumer involves being informed, critically evaluating product claims, and looking for reliable information. Here’s how you can check out the eco-credentials of your next beauty purchase:

  • Do your research on brands and products
  • Look for third-party certifications (such as Leaping Bunny, Fair Trade, Soil Association, Cosmos Oraganic)
  • Read ingredient lists
  • Check the parent company of the brand and their track record
  • Look for transparency
  • Avoid single-issue focus
  • Keep up with industry news
  • Read reviews

Avoiding greenwashing as a beauty brand

Here’s how you can avoid greenwashing as a brand, and avoid any claims that may not be clear:

  • Define your sustainability goals
  • Communicate with clarity
  • Be transparent
  • Achieve independent certifications
  • Avoid vague terminology
  • Educate yourself as a brand (and consumers)
  • Steer clear or trendy terms that don’t mean anything
  • Be able to back up any claims

Need help with creating beauty content and copywriting without greenwashing? Get in touch to find out how I can help you write with clarity and purpose when it comes to your beauty brand.

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