beauty keywords

What Are Keywords And Why Does Your Beauty Brand Need Them?

If you’re planning a content marketing project, or you’re looking to gain traffic to your site using SEO then you’re going to have to understand keywords. These play a big part in gaining organic website traffic, so it definitely makes sense to understand how to work out what you need to target.

The beauty industry is mega-competitive and there are new brands launching every day (or at least that what it feels like sometimes) so you need to do what you can to stand otu.

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are the words that define the topic of your content. They’re also the words that people use to search for content online and are associated with whatever you’re writing about.

They can be one word or a longer phrase (known as a longtail keyword), and help search engine algorithms work out what your content is about and who might want to see it.

It’s not all that matters for SEO. Content quality, technical set up of the website, domain authority and backlinks all play a part in helping bots to work out whether your content is useful or not. Keywords also play a part in paid advertising too, whether that’s on social media or pay-per-click ads.

How To Choose Your Keywords

The main answer is to research. Don’t just go with your feeling, guess or think that if you write content then people will just stumble across it. The internet is a big place, and it’s all built with code and algorithms.

Start out by planning some keywords that seem likely to work for your content, audience and products or services. Keep it simple and go with your instinct. Remember, you know your business, industry and your customer, and you’ll have a good idea what they’re searching for.

Think about search intent and voice search too – what are people looking for and how do they search? Knowing your audience is key to creating content that ranks using keywords.

When you’ve got your keywords, just write them down and keep hold of them.

Then start looking at a keyword tool like SEMRush or AhRefs. These aren’t cheap but usually come with some sort of free period for one-off jobs (though your keyword research shouldn’t be a one off, it really needs to be a ongoing process).

This will help you to work out which keywords are massively competitive, which are ideal for your business/not as competitive to rank for and which phrases aren’t worth targeting at all.

Want to learn more about keywords?

If you want a more in-depth run through keywords and how to do your thing with them, take a look at this series of Moz articles. They’ll take you through everything you need to know about keywords from start to finish.

Sounds complicated?

Working with an SEO specialist and a freelance writer will take your content from being hidden to ranking in search. If you’re a health, beauty or lifestyle brand looking for help with your content, get in touch.

Want to know more about content marketing and how it can help your beauty brand? Read my post about Content Marketing for Beauty Brands.


  1. How To Write Beauty Product Descriptions That Sell – Lucy Thorpe Content | Health & Beauty Writer

    […] Keywords are a big thing for online content. It’s one of the ways that search engine algorithms work out what content to share with people who are searching. Don’t keyword stuff or think that writing keywords a hundred times and hiding them in the background will work – it won’t and could actually stop your website from being shown in search results. […]

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